
How to Clean your eyeglasses - the FAQs

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of 30 years experience in cleaning spectacles. Get advice from an expert. I got my first spectacles Eyeglasses Frames Online at the age of 18. Ever since I have been fighting all kinds of dirt, dust, fat and other things on my spectacles. In fact I hate to have spectacles with specs on. No surprise that I tried to find the most efficient way to clean eyeglasses. It is not a big secret, but I am surprised how many people have difficukties to get the glasses clean. Learn how to get clean eyeglasses quickly without damaging your lenses here.

Do not waste your time and money ! Be clever, all you need to do is read this lens and learn how to clean spectacles in a few minutes, clear sight will be yours!

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Can you clean eyeglasses in the dishwasher?
OMG,yes, but it is very likely that you damage your spectacles, either because the frame is damaged by hot water over time, or the glasses are damaged by moving parts or dishes. Also it is a wast of time and energy

Can you clean eyeglasses with vinegar?
I never tried that. Vinegar is acidic,it can damage coataings on your glasses and the plastic frame. So vinegar cannot be commended from my point of view.

Can I use dishsoap to clean my eyeglasses?
Yes, a mild, liquid dish soap is very good for cleaning eyeglasses. About the procedure read more above.

Can I use Windex to clean eyeglasses?
I do not know the components of Windex, but it is popular for its really dramatic cleaning effect. Therefore I suspect it contains solvents.
My recommendation is to avoid any solvents on your eyeglasses to protect coatings and the frame, no Windex please.

Can I use acetone nail polish remover to clean my eyeglasses?
Never ever do that! Your eyeglasses will not recover from that treatment with solvents.

How do I avoid smear on my eyeglasses?
Proceed as explained above... avoid rubbing with a drying cloth or tissue. Use only mild soap and water. Rinse the eyeglasses with hot water, a littlte shaking and you are done the water drops fall of, the sight is clear and no smear.


